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Increase Response Rates with Vidioh

As consumers, we are constantly bombarded with advertising and marketing messages every day and it can be difficult to distinguish what is useful, and what isn’t. The simplest solution is to discard them all, as we quite simply do not have time to sift through each message and make decisions on how we might react.

As a business, the aforementioned problem resonates all too clearly as it is our messages that are being ignored or simply disregarded. While customers and potential customers may look at your marketing piece, is there enough to entice them to respond to it?

The marketing sphere is becoming more and more crowded so standing out from the crowd is one thing, but increasing your response rate is another, and, it is vital to the success of your direct mail marketing campaigns.

Video brochures provide a two birds, one stone solution. Video brochures:

  • provide the perfect marketing piece to capture, hold, and engage your audience with an innovative combination of high resolution video embedded into a high quality, fully branded brochure that delivers your message to a fully attentive audience.
  • Are a unique, new and powerful tool that stand out from the other standard forms of direct marketing, and marketing in general.
  • Provide both a physical representation of your company, as well as a powerful, visual and audio insight.

As well as an incredibly effective direct marketing piece that really stands out, video brochures also result in increased response rates. This can be attributed to its wow factor and it’s uniqueness that makes the product, and message, stand in the end users mind, as well as encourages them to pass it around to colleagues. With your message firmly in mind at the end of another day having been bombarded with messages, yours is the one they will look to respond to.

W7’s client were looking to increase the response rates of their direct mail campaigns and we were thrilled to work with them and help them to achieve this. The results spoke for themselves, and their client saw a great increase in response rates to their campaign.

“Our video card b2b campaign for our client is currently delivering a 25% conversion rate to appointments. On the previous campaign our client converted 10% of the recipients to accounts. How about that?”

-Simon Baxter, W7Ltd.


Video Brochures have demonstrated an increase in response rates time and time again and provide an all round marketing solution that will ensure that your message is heard, and acted upon.

If you are looking to increase your direct mail response rates, please feel free to get in touch and we would be more than happy to help. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Google+ and like our Facebook page!